Developer Corner

Target group: Developers

this extension is started with the extention builder. Simply now to find in the controller. It will be moved in to seperate classes as the other features are implemented


Possible hook would be for the import mapping. Input parameters are:

Parameter Data type Description
$table string Name of the table
$field string Name of the field

Use parameter $table to retrieve the table name…

Usage —

you can set you own template be changeing the partials folder to your own. The main output comes from the template /Resources/Private/Partials/JobOffer/Properties.html:

DebugMode can be anabled in the extension manager.

part of the model

class JobOffer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity
  * title
  * @var string
 protected $title = '';

  * descr
  * @var string
 protected $descr = '';

  * tasks
  * @var string
 protected $tasks = '';

  * qualification
  * @var string
 protected $qualification = '';

  * refid
  * @var string
 protected $refid = '';

  * contactname
  * @var string
 protected $contactname = '';

  * contactaddress
  * @var string
 protected $contactaddress = '';

  * contacttel
  * @var string
 protected $contacttel = '';

  * contactmail
  * @var string
 protected $contactmail = '';
  * date
  * @var string
 protected $date = '';

  * Returns the date
  * @return string $date
 public function getDate()
     return $this->tstamp;

     $stuff = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(

A Hook will be provided for import xml mapping
             function () {